Grow with
Your business is unique.
Your financing should be too.
Why Choose Goba Capital?
To provide you with the best possible working capital financing solutions, we conduct a thorough analysis of your industry, customers, and enterprise, tailoring our approach to your unique needs.
With our customized financing solutions, your business can access the capital to expand and thrive.
Our personalized approach ensures that the financing process is transparent and hassle-free for you.
Headquartered in the US, but we have a global presence collaborating with businesses worldwide.
We are well-capitalized and capable of providing lines from $3 million to $100 million USD.
Our team of seasoned professionals has decades of experience in designing and implementing customized working capital facilities for businesses of all sizes and industries.
Our comprehensive approach to risk management minimizes your exposure to unnecessary risks and provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus on what matters most - growing your business.
Our staff is dedicated, knowledgeable, and committed to the highest level of customer service.